Make your voice heard! Get breaking news! Come to great picnics and parties!

Membership in the MFNRA is open to anyone over the age of 16 who lives within ourdesignated area.

Please verify that your address makes you eligible with list of streets in the form below, as you may already be represented by another Residents Association.

Dues are £10 per annum. Your dues support the cost of this web site and our communications and advocacy efforts. Financial reports for our first year of operations will be posted along with the Minutes of our first Annual General Meeting.

Please complete this form, and then pay your dues by one of three methods:


MFNRA Sort Code 30-98-97; Account Number 82780863

Cheques may be mailed or delivered by hand to;

MFRNA, 6 Moray Place, First Floor, Edinburgh, EH3 6DS

Join right now, using PayPal. To underwrite the fees charged by PayPal for the convenience, we kindly ask that you pay £10.50 using the form below.